Archive for the ‘pt-pt+dateinasia-recensao bons sites de mariГ©e par correspondance’ Category


In: pt-pt+dateinasia-recensao bons sites de mariГ©e par correspondance

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When i confronted him he told me “I love you but I have feelings for her”

But at some point, sex got less frequent

That’s not always the case. I thought my marriage was perfect. He was the first and last man in my life. We were married for 5 years. I gave him my trust and 2 years after our marriage he started his affair. The next day he told me he was leaving for the weekend. That day I left him. I understood that his love for her was stronger that his feelings towards me. When I married him I promise God that I was going to do everything just to make him happy. If he was happy with her then I had to step out. 10 years later and Im still alive full of pain and emptiness. Read more